Tor books success
Tor books success

tor books success

Indeed, take a look at the number of Tor books in this recent list of Hugo Award winners. And related subjects.” (, 2018) Tor publishes many of the major names and titles in the genre, including Robert Jordan, Steven Erikson, Orson Scott Card, and Brandon Sanderson. Tor is one of the major science fiction and fantasy publishing houses –’s tag line is “Science Fiction. I am particularly concerned about the potential impact on younger readers. An embargo of this sort limits access by those who cannot afford to buy their own books and therefore rely on the public library. One of the core values of librarianship is access, particularly equal access, to books and other materials, as well as ideas. The embargo prevents the sale of library e-books for four months. Tor Books, a branch of Macmillan, recently announced an embargo on e-book sales to libraries, which I believe could have significant negative impact on younger readers in particular.

Tor books success